
Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Working in Silicon Valley for nearly two decades, I’m frequently exposed to the concept of innovation.  Sometimes even overexposed to the point of hype.  But what I’ve learned over the years is that innovation isn’t limited to technology companies, driven by a secret algorithm or framework yielding the next game changing software or hardware product.    Rather, innovation is all around us, perhaps equally generated by accident, or by trial and error, as it is from an organized innovation initiative.   It’s evident in all aspects of my daily life, from cooking, to music, to travel, and theater as well as technology and is globally true.    What I’ve observed though is that the universal factors in the entrepreneurial attitude that creates such innovation are curiosity and perseverance.     Curiosity to investigate multiple options and approaches and the perseverance to keep going when those initial options keep failing and conventional wisdom all around you is saying it won’t work.

As I reflect in my own diverse and seemingly unrelated interests just in the last two months, such innovative spirit is very evident.    Two examples in particular reinforced this to me. (more…)

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As we all know, the Internet is a treasure trove of information- some useful, often useless; frequently educational, unfortunately, repeatedly ignorant.   Pick your favorite pair of opposite meaning adjectives, you can apply it to the information on the Internet.

But the good, educational, information is indeed abundant.  It’s overflowing and the trick is how to filter it, find it, and make time to read it and avoid the useless information.   My approach has evolved, with a current go to model consisting of multiple web and mobile social media and news applications coupled with multi-platform productivity and storage tools.  Here’s how it works. (more…)

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Hello world!

Welcome to my blog- Reading, Writing, and Reflecting-  Apurva Desai’s Musings and Observations.   The phrase Reading, Writing, and Reflecting was uttered by many people I’m sure but was a philosophy embraced by Paramahansa Yogananda, the author of Autobiography of a Yogi.    I believe that is a powerful approach to keep the mind fresh, curious, and enriched and thus, the reason for this blog.

Topics covered will range from politics, business, sports, international and current events, travel, technology, and general lifestyle tidbits.   Topics of particular interest include:

  1. India: After my most recent trip to India in December 2008, I’ve become even more fascinated with the challenges and opportunities facing this country.
  2. Sports: A lifelong sports fan, I’m particularly interested in professional and collegiate competitive sports along with the  globalization, business, and social aspects of sport, viewed from an analytical angle.
  3. Wireless, Internet, and Social Media technologies: I’ve spent the last 8 years working for various companies in these industries and have become particularly interested in the social media advances over the last couple of years.
  4. Energy and Environment: Lately, I’ve become more cognizant of energy and environmental issues and am striving to learn more and change my behavior for the better.
  5. Social and Public policy: Particularly linked to how technology, education, and energy practices can help drive better living standards around the world.

As the title of the blog suggests, I will often post about passages of articles, books, or other media that I have read to offer my perspective or to share with others.

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